Improper (or Nonexistent) Marketing Positioning
"Market Positioning " is a popular jargon phrase tossed around by marketing gurus. Unfortunately, the phrase is seldom defined and frequently misunderstood.
Whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not, you "hold" a position in your marketplace.
Market Position may be defined as:
- Your Brand Identity -- or, how consumers PERCEIVE your firm. For instance, you may be perceived as a sharp up-and-comer, or a stodgy old-school has-been. Your actual brand identity (or market position) may or may not reflect reality. It may (and frequently does) conflict with your intended message.
Market Position-ing, on the other hand, refers to the process of defining how you wish to be perceived (your brand identity) and implementing a plan to influence market perceptions accordingly.
Market Positioning is the active process you undertake to define and influence your firm's public image (Brand Identity).
One of the tell-tale signs of improper (or nonexistent) market positioning is the unqualified or inappropriate lead. If your marketing efforts consistently produce inquiries from prospective clients who do not "fit" your firm's ideal profile, chances are you have a market positioning error.
One of my favorite examples comes from an estate attorney who complained of declining revenue despite a heavy volume of business. "I have plenty of clients, but they just don't fit the quality profile I need to be profitable," he said.
Asked to define that profile, he explained that he wanted to reach a more affluent client base with more sophisticated estate planning needs, willing and able to pay reasonable legal fees.
I asked about his marketing.
"Oh, we do a GREAT job of marketing. My seminars are always PACKED." Then he proudly added, "We've got it down to a science. You don't have to spend much. This flyer really PULLS."
I perused the flyer. It was indeed cheap. In fact, it appeared to be produced on a typewriter and reproduced on a faulty copy machine. By the thousands, on a flimsy GREEN paper. Distributed door-to-door by a troop of Boy Scouts. (I swear, I am not making this up!)
He went on to explain the "magic" of his homespun message, which he felt explained the flyer's tremendous power to generate response.
Well, his flyer certainly did "pull." Unfortunately, it pulled the wrong people. In essence, he was complaining about not eating trout for dinner, when he had clearly been out trolling for catfish all afternoon!
But more importantly, his flyer "pushed" as well (or better) than it pulled! It pushed his desired clients away from him just as surely as plopping a wad of dough bait into a trout stream would scare away the rainbows!
Further, he also noted that he rarely -- if ever -- received referrals from allied professionals such as financial planners or accountants. Really? No kidding!
This gentleman was the unwitting victim of his own, highly successful, market positioning campaign. He had defined, targeted, and succeeded in OWNING a very clear position in the marketplace. From those attending his seminars to those actively avoiding them (including the allied professionals observing the process) -- EVERYONE knew this fellow's market position. Everyone but him.
If you think your firm may be suffering from an error in market positioning, please call us for assistance. We are experienced at helping law firms just like yours identify an appropriate position, and execute a plan to achieve it.
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