I was disturbed this weekend when I (probably by mistake) received a solicitation (I think that word is more appropriate than "invitation") to attend what is promoted as a one-day workshop to help me build a thriving estate planning practice. The solicitors say that in just one-day with them, I could discover the techniques and strategies for doing just that.
Hmmm ... I said to myself. Just one day?
Sound too good to be true?
Hold on to your pocketbooks, folks! The agenda includes a brief session on working with professional referrals, and another brief session on working with prospective clients -- both completed BEFORE lunch! Guess what happens after lunch? That's when the sales presentation begins! For the rest of the afternoon they are going to put more tools in your toolbox -- a concept which they say will make you more powerful!
I may have been born at night, but it wasn't LAST night!!!! I know a fellow who crafts custom cabinets and does finish carpentry work. He has quite a toolbox. But, believe me, it is NOT the tools that make him powerful! It's his skill, his reputation in the community and the steady stream of people clamoring for his services that make him powerful. You or I could have all of those tools -- and after I used the hammer and the pliers, the rest of them would be only so much extra weight to lug around ... not to mention HUGE debt to pay (those tools are not cheap!!!!) Yes, friends, our sincere solicitors say we will leave their seminar with powerful tools -- which I suspect they want us to PURCHASE from them ... hence the half-day sales presentation. How much will I pay for this half-day infomercial? Well ... let's add it up:
Tuition: $195 (the actual cost is $295, but somehow, if I register, I get a $100 discount ... go figure?)
Travel: ??? I estimate plane fare, taxis, and parking at $200, plus two nights in a hotel for another $200, and if you're like me, you're going to want to eat sometime, too, so add another $100 for two days of restaurant meals. Call it $500.
Opportunity: Now, here's the real clincher -- the OPPORTUNITY cost. You could be working. Let's say you could billing clients (that IS the idea, right?) for a minimal $150 an hour. Now how much is it costing you to shut down your office and travel to this infomercial extravaganza? Two days of billable time: $2,400!!!!!!!
(Assuming you were ONLY billing by the hour. Your costs may be quite a bit more!!!)
Gullibility: What if, on top of all of this, you are convinced to load up your toolbox with expensive new tools you may never need, may already have, or can't use? The cost of this little excursion could easily top $10,000!!!
Excluding the gullibility factor, I think this workshop is going to cost you at least $3,150. And what are you getting? In terms of true education, you are getting anecdotal stories from your colleagues about how to work with clients and referral sources -- certainly worthwhile information, but you are only going to get about two to three hours of this instruction before the sales presentation begins!!!!
Okay, they must be pretty proud of that time, because they are asking you to pay about $1,000 an hour for it!
On the other hand, you COULD sign up for our online course -- Building Profitable Referral Relationships -- and get TEN SESSIONS of concentrated instruction -- including checklists, worksheets, and thought-provoking exercises to complete on your own ... time-tested strategies that have worked for literally hundreds of our clients ... delivered to you online, without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home or office.
By leveraging technology, we help you become a low-cost provider! Download the lessons, review them at your leisure -- before or after work, even during your lunch hour. Oh, and by the way, unlike the solicitors in our example above, we don't limit your "free" tuition to ONE GUEST. You can share this course with everyone in your office -- including your associates, partners and staff members. In fact, we encourage you to share with everyone in your office. No extra charge!
The cost for this ten-session workshop is only $149.
No, that was not one thousand forty-nine dollars! Just one HUNDRED forty-nine dollars. That's it. No travel. No downtime. No "opportunity" cost. And no gullibility factor, either. Just solid education. Proven strategies to help you build a thriving estate planning practice.
No, we're not getting rich at this. But we sure hope you will!
I encourage you to take a look, weigh the costs, and choose to invest wisely. This course will help you build a lifetime stream of qualified referrals -- regardless the state of the estate tax. And, when you're done, you will have money left over to actually implement the strategies -- hey, what if you spent the other $3,000 actually marketing yourself and your practice? Like taking people to lunch, presenting workshops, giving clients the red-carpet treatment, setting up (or revitalizing) a website ... hmmmm ...
Here's the link. It doesn't make sense to undermine your own profitability ... to enhance someone else's! Remember, profit is only what's left after expenses.
Start now. Build Profitable Referral Relationships (profitably!).