How can you ensure your e-mail marketing campaign is successful, does not annoy your best clients, and does not break the law? I recently attended a workshop with award-winning author and e-mail marketing consultant, Jeanne Jeannings (author of The E-Mail Marketing Kit). She outlilned NINE KEY CONSIDERATIONS for designing an email marketing campaign. Previously, we listed the first two: Deliverability and the "From" line. Research shows that, once your email message "makes it through" the many SPAM filters and abuse blockers, readers decide whether to open or delete your message based on two criteria. The first is the "From" line, and the second is the "SUBJECT" line. Today we look at the SUBJECT Line.
The Subject Line -- Readers decide whether or not to open an email based first on the FROM line, and second on the SUBJECT line. Make sure your SUBJECT line:
- Is engaging and benefit-oriented;
- Unique to each issue;
- Puts the most important information first;
- Does not sound "spammy;" and
- Is appropriate for your content/audience.
View from the Preview Pane -- Most readers view their email messages within the "Preview Pane." That is all the space (and time) you may have to get your message across. Don't waste it! Your message has already crossed a number of hurdles (including Deliverability and the Instant Delete!) to reach this point. Capitalize on the View from the Preview Pane to communicate with clients! Design your message with the Preview Pane in mind, and be sure to:
- Include a recognizable logo or brand name;
- Use a benefit-oriented headline or title;
- Make sure the message gets through even if images are blocked; and
- Add a link to view the email online
Check back here soon for the rest of the tips!
Did you know that IMS offers two versions of electronic newsletters? Both versions are:
- Fully customizable with your firm branding,
- Professionally written and delivered as web-page type documents,
- Distributed through a dedicated distribution service,
- Are interactive,
- Include links bringing visitors to your Website, and
- Suitable for use with professional advisors, clients and prospects.
We do not send, and do not recommend sending file attachments of any sort with (including Adobe Acrobat files) with your enewsletter. File attachments will annoy your readers, not delight them! They don't show up in the "Preview Pane," require too many "extra" steps for the user, download slowly, are not "instant open," and cannot be tracked through an e-mail server. If you store them on your website, search engine crawlers will not index them for key words -- so they do not help your directory rankings the way a web-page style newsletter will. And remember that sending "bulk e-mail" from your law firm is a great way to get the whole firm (AND your ISP) banned for abuse! Try explaining THAT to the managing partner!
Click here to send an email request for an ACTUAL SAMPLE of an IMS client e-newsletter.