Along with our new website launch, we're also excited about our newest PowerPoint workshop: Blended Families, Blended Estates.
Blended Families, Blended Estates addresses the unique estate planning challenges facing those who attempt to blend families. This program explains the four critical challenges: Disinheriting Ex-Spouses, Protecting One's Own Children, Providing for New Spouse, and Minimizing Estate Taxes.
This is a turn-key workshop designed to be presented in about an hour (or less). It is appropriate for those contemplating remarriage, those with blended families, and their financial advisors. Financial advisors particularly need to be aware of the estate challenges facing their clients in these situations. This also might be an excellent opportunity to present to your local bar association, or to offer to the family lawyers (and their clients) in your market. Be sure to use the companion brochure, Blended Family Basics, in your follow-up mailings to maximize your seminar opportunities!
The workshop is delivered to you as a fully-editable PowerPoint file (you must have the PowerPoint software in order to use this file). Simply double-click the file from your desktop and you are ready to begin presenting. However, if you find that you prefer to "tweak" some of the slides, hide, replace or change their order -- you are free to do that as well. Present from a projector, or print full-color transparencies from the file. Print your speaker's notes and audience hand-outs directly from the file. Make an archive, back-up copy and store it on your hard drive, or burn a CD. [Just please respect the copyright disclosures included and do not share (or pirate) the file with your colleagues, or post it on your website.]
- 20 full-color slides.
- 2006-EGTRRA compliant.
- Complete narrative script included in speaker's notes section.
- Covers the four critical challenges: Disinheriting Ex-Spouses, Protecting One's Own Children, Providing for New Spouse, and Minimizing Estate Taxes. .
- Builds new referrals by teaching allied professionals (including family lawyers) the unique estate planning challenges facing their clients who are contemplating, or already trying to blend their families in a re-marriage situation.