Integrity Marketing is hosting a free webinar at noon (central time) on Wednesday (March 25), "Marketing Estate Planning Services to Women." We also have put together a comprehensive, turn-key marketing package to help you reach key women during the Mother's Day holiday season. I'd like to tell you just a bit about both initiatives.
Why Market to Women?
Women not only control 60% of the wealth in this country, they not only make 80% of the buying decisions, but they are the ones most likely to be centrally involved in a multi-generational transfer of wealth! For most of your estate planning marketing planning, target women "of a certain age." By that, I mean those women in the "sandwich generation" between the ages of 45 and 65. They have come into an amount of their own wealth, are frequently responsible for the care of their parents (and their wealth), are still active and influential in their adult-children's lives, and are looking toward a future for their grandchildren. This is the "sweet spot" for estate planning marketing.
What Works in Marketing to Women?
Women respond best to marketing that taps into their social networks. This is why I am so excited about our Mother's Day Tea promotion. With this unique campaign, you should be targeting that 50-something woman, encouraging her to bring her own mother and adult daughter (or niece, or girlfriend). Provide a social environment, tap into her social network. Make it fun. Partner with others who are targeting women -- such as upscale health clubs and spas, upscale retailers, salons. Choose your venue wisely, target your message, make it relevant and let women socialize. This is a strategy proven to work for women!
How Can IMS Help You Succeed?
- First, we have packaged everything you need -- including your workshop, brochure, promotions guide, direct-mail promotional and follow-up, and even an online component for promotion, online registration and follow-up.
Second, Wednesday's webinar will give you great insight, spark ideas, and could also serve as a terrific joint-educational program -- bring your referral sources, just in case they need some encouragement to target this market
Get Your Message Out To Your Target Market
But perhaps most importantly, tap into our professional marketing services. We can get your message out to your audience with a professionally-designed three-wave mailing! We offer one of the largest (more than 110,000,000 households nationwide) and most accurate consumer list services available. Our records are compiled by one of the nation's premier data providers--and tested, cleansed and combined to create the most accurate and comprehensive repository of consumer marketing information available. Our records also comply with strict legal and ethical considerations, including strict adherence to both state and national privacy laws affecting data compilation.
We can select your consumer audience by:
- Homeownership status
- Occupant income
- Occupant status
- Proximity to a specific location
- Specific streets within a ZIP code
- ZIP code and more
We also can tap into the lucrative market of women business owners! We can provide lists for everyone from non-profits to government agencies, manufacturers to retailers and franchises to financial services.
Our business lists:
- Are 95% deliverable
- Are compiled from nation-wide sources
- Can be based on demographics, such as ethnicity, employee size, sales volume and more
- Include 16.8 million records
With our guidance, you can get a laser-focus to your list, narrowing it based on a number of factors, to include:
- Contact Gender
- Credit Rating
- Employee Size
- Ethnic-Owned Businesses
- Franchise Code
- Number of PC's
- Number of Years in Business
- Sales Volume
- Small/Home Offices
- Specified Ethnicity
- Square Footage
- Women-Owned Businesses
It makes good sense to let the professionals at handle this marketing campaign for you, and turn your own energies (and those of your staff) toward better serving your clients (and making more money!).
or call James at 1-877-352-2021, ext. 0.
Also, be sure to register for Wednesday's free webinar, "Marketing Estate Planning Services to Women."
Wednesday, March 25
12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (central time)