Everyone wants their website to land on the first page of Google when prospective clients go searching. But the marketer's question is, "Searching for what?" Do you know what your prospective clients are searching for when you hope they are searching for you?
Optimizing your website for keywords is a fundamental marketing task. A little research will show which key words and phrases are most popular, drive the most traffic.
But optimizing your website is not just about choosing popular keywords. Website optimization begins with visualizing your ideal practice and defining your ideal client. What type of work drives your passion? What types of clients bring you the most satisfying work?
Organize your website around your passions. Do you prefer to work with middle-class retired couples? Entrepreneurial business owners? Youthful, energetic families or does your passion lie more with serving the elderly? Start thinking of your website in terms of your ideal practice, then create relevant, compelling content that appeals to your ideal client. The keywords will flow from that content.
Optimizing your website should result, not in page one rankings on Google, but in a satisfying and rewarding estate or elder law practice -- one that is both profitable and enjoyable.