Practice development tips from a bodybuilder? How the heck does that happen?
I've spoken to many of you over the phone about how to build your ideal practice. We talk not only about marketing, but also about your specific practice development and lifestyle goals. For some of you the ideal lifestyle and practice you had in mind when you decided to go to law school hasn't turned out exactly the way you dreamed it would. What I want to do is help bring your ideal practice and lifestyle to fruition.
We all have goals. We have goals for our career and goals for our personal life both short term and long term. Often times we separate the two, when in reality they go hand-in-hand. "I want to make more money, work less, work with better more qualified clients that are willing to pay for my services. I want to spend more time with my family." Those are GREAT goals to have and the ones I hear most often. I will post to my Practice-Fitness blog about ways to achieve your goals, not only through strategic marketing but through practice management strategies as well.
I mentioned that I have met many of you over the phone...I also have met a few of you in person. I have noticed that when I meet an attorney in person the questions they ask me are not about marketing or building their practice but are more like "Can you give me a good workout routine? What should I be eating?" and the dreaded "How much do you bench press?"
I get these questions because I am an anomaly in the estate planning / elder law arena. You don't see too many nationally-ranked bodybuilders at the annual NAELA meeting, but you can find one right here. Competing in bodybuilding is no easy task. It takes months of discipline, a strong work ethic, consistency, and the ability to see a plan through to the finish. These are all traits required to win, to be better than the average bodybuilder. I want to help you develop and hone these same traits in your practice, so that you too can WIN.
My goal is to motivate you to see your own strength and opportunities -- to be better than the average attorney. You do not have to settle for what you have, but you do have to be smart about how to get where you want to be. I will include fitness tips both for your practice and for your health. Feel free to comment or email me with questions pertaining to building your practice or building your fitness and health.