Client Acquisition -- the holy grail of estate planning and elder law marketing. Regardless how much we talk about maintenance programs, client reviews, and ongoing relationships, we know that the health of your practice depends upon your ability to successfully acquire NEW clients on a regular basis. They didn't tell you that in law school, now, did they? This is one reason that most attorneys are poorly prepared for this daunting task. The single biggest, and most common flaw that I see in practice management is the lack of a systematic approach to client acquisition.
Relationships are the fundamental building blocks of any client acquisition program.
Relationships -- not Promotions. When most people think of marketing, they think of promotions. Promotions include advertising, workshops, direct mail -- communications with a call-to-action. Promotions can work, but they lose their effectiveness over time if they are not buttressed by solid relationships. If your marketing plan does not include consistent, systematic, automated relationship management, then -- given enough time -- it is destined for failure.
What is relationship management? Essentially, relationship management is the process of building and nurturing relationships. Successful relationship management relies on the consistency achieved through automated systems.
Why are these attributes essential? Because relationships are built, nurtured and come to fruition only OVER TIME. The contacts you make at a workshop or seminar are usually only initial contacts. Most of your website visitors are initial contacts. So, too, many of the contacts you make even through referrals are essentially initial contacts. If you are attempting to generate clients only from initial contacts, your client acquisition costs will be outrageous and your marketing efforts will fall short of your goals.
How many of us decided to marry our spouses after only one introduction? So it often is with client relationships as well ... consistent contact over time is required to bring these relationships to full bloom. However, unlike a dating relationship that focuses (usually) on only one person ... your client acquisition efforts are focused on many, sometimes literally hundreds of people at any given moment. A consistent, systematic, automatic relationship management program will help you build these multiple contacts into profitable, mutually satisfying, long-term client relationships ... and ensure that you do so in a cost-effective manner.
If you are not currently managing your key relationships in a consistent, systematic manner, you are leaving money on the table every day. If you want to get control of your client acquisition process call James and ask for a free demonstration of The Essential Solution®. 1-877-352-2021, ext. 0. We will even pay for the call!