Posted by Jennifer Campbell Goddard, CEO
Do you receive email solicitations from companies promising to get your estate planning website ranked on Google's Page One in 30 Days ... Or Less? Are you tempted to fork over your hard-earned cash to those guys? I know it's tempting, but as Nancy Reagan says, "Just Say No."
No legitimate firm can guarantee your website placement on Google's Page One -- in organic search -- and certainly not in 30 days or less. What you may be missing in those solicitations is the small print referring to Google Adwords, or pay-per-click advertising. Or, there certainly are the unscrupulous characters who just make wild claims and take your money and run.
In this webinar, I show you how we consistently get Page One and Two rankings for our Essentials clients. No gimmicks. No sleight-of-hand. No magic. (Well, maybe a little magic ...)