Posted by Roslyn Drotar, Strategic Planning
Touch points are powerful, and need to be part of your marketing strategy. MC Corp Consulting defines touch points as “All the physical and communication interactions (static, human and interactive) your audiences experience during their relationship with your company.” It’s basically a territory where you and your potential clients interact. Your newsletters, social media and blog posts are touch points for all of the people you connected with. Think of touch points as acupuncture for your relationships. A sharp reminder of who you are and what you can do to help your prospects, clients and referral sources.
Your clients take a journey down a path of decisions on what they are going to do with their estate planning matters and the touch points you provide to them along that journey impact them. At what point on that journey they make the final decision to retain you depends on the things that are going on in their life, and important to them. Some say that it can take up to 7 (and some believe 11) touch points to get a reaction. For them the journey they take, may take a long time, or something may suddenly jolt them into reacting. But what is clear is that your presence must be visible along that path. Your social media, blogging, newsletters and e-newsletters do that for you.
One of the first touch points necessary in the journey is to create awareness in your prospects. Help them realize they want, and need your services. Then aligning yourself and positioning yourself so that you register on their radar. From there you know what they need, how you can help them. Once you attract them, engage them then convert them into clients. However, after that it is important for you to stay top of mind and solidify the relationship and build loyalty.
When you think of our program The Essential Solution® think big! It’s not just a website. The integration of the other medias that go along with it are crucial. The hard copy newsletter touches them, the e-newsletter touches them, the blogging is a touch point, and the blog posting that feeds to your social media is a touch point. Sometimes it’s difficult to quantify the referrals and revenue generated from them, but you do get traction from it. No question there. The impressions that you make through your logo, the follow up calls, and the workshops you host are important, but the little things along their journey matter as well. Touch points are key factors that help drive your clients, perspective clients and referral sources to your practice. If you don’t have them in place, please contact James at 877-352-2021 x 0, to get this important process working for you and your practice.