Posted by Roslyn Drotar, Strategic Planning / Personal Account Manager
Our team at Integrity Marketing Solutions is always pushing the blog posting. I know I must say the word “blog” a thousand times a day. And sometimes I swear I can literally hear the person on the other end of the end of the phone roll their eyes. We were even thinking “Let’s stop calling it blogging and start calling it ‘indexing your website and increasing SEO’.” Does that sound less painful? It's so important so make it fun!
We have some clients that are stellar bloggers! They blog fives days a week, sometimes more. They often post twice a day and they give it personal flair and pizzaz! Your clients respect you and what you do. And people also want to like the people they do business with. Showing a personal side to your blogging does that for you.
I recently asked some of our top bloggers what their approach to blogging is. What they do that makes it works for them? Every one of them says that they do all of their posting for the week on a Friday or a Monday morning. They sit down in front of their computer and cut and paste, and then personalize their posts. All of their blogging is complete within about an hour. Here's the best part about it….they all liked doing it and find it fun.
So what can you do to make blogging fun? Here are some suggestions:
- Do it during a time of the day that works best for you. Make it a time that you can just sit in front of the computer, with your cup of coffee (if it’s in the morning) or your iced mocha (if in the afternoon) and make it intentional blogging time! Put it on your calendar. Make an appointment every Monday from 8:00 – 9:00 am to get your blogging done. Sets the tone for a great marketing vibe for the rest of your week!
- Add your own personal flair. People respect you for what you do and generally want to like the people they do business with. Let them know you personally. Share your thoughts and give them a view of you personally. Let them know your hobbies and maybe share something exciting you did over the weekend through your social media. It doesn’t need to be more than that, but let them see the human side of you. Snap some photos from your smart phone and upload them. Once you get the hang of that it can get addicting and fun! It’s kind of a brag board.
- Come up with your own topic, research it and create your own post. Go through your week and then at the end reflect back on it and post about a common theme that was in your conversations with your prospects. Maybe they had a common concern that was a roadblock for them that you can help offer some guidance.
- Another good idea is to get your team involved. I was talking with a client the other day that is going to have his associate blog as well as his funding coordinator!
Our clients that are enjoying their blogging and making it their own are doing very well with their rankings. They are getting traction from it. So, if you're not having fun with it, or you're not blogging five days out of the work week, please pick up the phone and call me. Dana and I can help! Your blogging is important to your marketing and we will stop at nothing to get it implemented into your practice! You can always reach me at 877-352-2021 x 88. Happy Blogging to you all!