Posted by Kyle E. Krull, Esq., President
Are your ears burning?
Every Tuesday morning we have a firm-wide Integrity Marketing Solutions “Team Huddle.” In addition to individual and departmental reports, we discuss work-in-process and who among our Essential Solution® attorneys are knocking the proverbial “cover off the ball” with their marketing results. Note: We are really big on what we call results-based marketing.
In other words, “how’s it working for you” the Essential Solution® attorney?
This past Tuesday the conversation amongst the team members pivoted toward the latest Social Media success stories. My ears perked up, especially when the topic of leveraging Facebook came up. “Facebook?”
Several of our Essential Solution® attorneys have created a marketing firestorm for themselves by doing everything our team is telling them to do. For example, this whole “like” business on Facebook? I thought it was a throwback to middle school crushes. Nope. Getting folks to “like” you and you “liking” back creates a powerful Google buzz.
In fact, one full morning of our upcoming Fast Track Conference will be led by our CEO Jennifer Campbell Goddard and devoted to evaluating the “track position” (okay, the Conference has an auto racing theme) of each Essential Solution® attorney (the numbers will remain confidential between attendees). Another session will teach you everything you need to know about the latest developments in the ever-evolving world of Social Media. In fact, it is titled “Social Media for Lawyers: Your $trategy.”
And Facebook is just one component of Social Media. Add to that Twitter, LinkedIn and You Tube and you have all of the elements necessary to dominate your market. So, how do you do that?
Well, for starters, if you are an attorney who already is invested in “results-based” marketing via The Essential Solution®, then you are eligible to enroll in the Spring Conference. Then, at the Conference you will learn from our experts how to move from knowing to doing to dominating your market.
Visit our website for the full agenda, or to register online.
And hurry, because early registration discounts will save you some $$ through Feb. 15th.
Question: Are you coachable?
Enough mea culpa. I am coachable and this “guinea pig” is ready to learn. Come join me in Kansas City!
Teaching Point: The Essential Solution® is a comprehensive marketing system, tested and proven effective in my own law practice, it’s only available through Integrity Marketing Solutions. Every component of the system is designed to work in synch with all of the other components to help you have an ever more profitable and enjoyable estate planning and/or elder law practice.