Results-Based Legal Marketing. That's our mission -- to deliver the goods for estate planning and elder law attorneys! Part of that mission includes tracking and reporting key vital statistics that show us how well every Essential Solution® marketing program performs out in the real world. It's one thing to read theory and discuss what ought to work (or not work) ... and a whole other thing to track, report and analyze results every month.
We do it because we are committed to your success!
Essential Marketing Performance Reports are getting a facelift this month, with more emphasis on tracking the trends and patterns that drive your law firm's marketing performance. We have centralized our reporting mechanism, pulling in statistics from your website, blog, YouTube, email and social media marketing to one, easy-to-read document. We've included an Executive Summary (for those of you who want to cut to the chase), and lots of charts and tables making your key data easy to review and understand.
Remember, too, that we don't just passively aggregate your data. Our marketing team reviews each report. If we spot a negative trend or other challenge, we troubleshoot to find answers. We also look at ALL of the reports as a whole so we have ongoing feedback about how the whole program is working for you -- the Essential Attorney.
I've pulled one sample report for you to review (note: I have redacted all of the identifying client information to maintain confidentiality).