Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) is a United States Postal Service address verification, Zip+4 and barcoding method requiring a certification software subscription. Are you still with me?
According to [] website, the CASS system is described as follows: The United States Postal Service, in cooperation with the mailing industry, developed certification programs to evaluate the accuracy of software and equipment offered by Vendors and Licensees that provide mailing related services to customers.
If you have a mailing list of over 500 valid addresses, are interested in reduced postage rates, applying for and paying the fees for you own mailing permit, subscribing to a CASS-certified mailing software, setting up an addressing station in your office ... you get the picture, check out these recommended mailing programs [] at
If you are interested in booking more consults, scheduling workshop dates and spending your time focused on helping families with their trusts and estate planning matters – then let us do your mailing for you! We have the skills, training, postage permits, software subscription and addressing stations so you can do what you do and we can do what we do.
Are you ready to get your turnkey mail service started? Call me at 877-352-2021 x82 to schedule an appointment.