Today, more and more things seem to be “going digital”. There’s even been talk that in just a few years all print media will be a thing of the past. And it seems like a real possibility.
Just think of all the time you spend on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. How many of our workplaces are paperless or heading in that direction?
Despite the obvious trend toward a purely digital world, I firmly believe that print media will never truly die. When used and designed well, print publications can be a wonderful marketing tool.
Here are 6 Reasons to Use Print Media in Your Marketing:
6. No Technology Barriers – With a great print promotional piece, you never have to fear a computer crash, a power outage, or that an Internet browser will not support your content. You can rest assured that your audience will know how to navigate and use a brochure or postcard.
5. Completely Customizable –There are so many unique options to choose from in print production today. With specialty printing, you can easily show off your company’s personality. Are you traditional? Choose a really nice, high-quality paper stock. Trendy and unique? Pick a custom size and a specialty printing technique. Unlike digital publications, in which the dimensions and settings are predetermined, print media offers endless possibilities for customization.
4. Print is Personal – Nothing (ok, almost nothing) excites me more than seeing an envelope in my mailbox with a handwritten address. It makes me feel special! At least for the few seconds that the sender was writing my name and address, I know that they were thinking about me. Give your clients that same feeling of individuality by handwriting addresses on mailings or writing a short personal note on a brochure or business card before handing it to them.
3. Further your Branding – Print media is a great way to push your brand beyond the confines of a screen. Having a company brand that coordinates across all platforms – both digital and print – shows that your firm is consistent, organized, and polished.
2. Staying Power – With a print piece, chances are greater that, even if the recipient doesn’t respond immediately, they will keep the piece around until they have the time or opportunity to act. Print media acts as a great physical reminder of your services. It’s also a great take-away from workshops and events to help your guests remember your wonderful presentation once it is over.
1. Print is Easily Integrated into Digital Marketing – It’s easy to use print media to support your current online presence! Send out invitations or postcards announcing your next workshop or event. Create a brochure to target a more specific audience or practice area. Adding a QR code or a website address to your printed piece is a great way to lead clients to your website. The opportunities to use print media in your marketing truly are endless!
Using print media to complement your website is the perfect way to create a presence for your firm – both online and in the “real” world.
Got a great idea for a new pamphlet or brochure? Have an upcoming workshop that could use an invitation or take-home piece? Contact the IMS team today to get started!