Having a website without a strong social media presence behind it is like building your house on the sand. It might last for a while, but eventually your web rankings and analytics will go-a-crumblin’. Waves of blog posts and social media interaction from your competitors will cause your own website to lose its stability. Don’t get washed away!
Make sure your website and social media platforms are “connected” through a few easy optimization strategies. Here are a few known, but not-that-well-known tips from the professionals at IMS.
- Always include a link on your social platform back to your website. This applies to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Avvo, etc. Most social media profiles have a place to link to your website and blog. Use both! Extra Tip: Always list out your full URL when possible - http://www.yourwebsitedomain.com
- Put your physical address and phone number on your social media accounts exactly as it appears on your website - this is especially important with anything related to Google. Extra Tip: Copy and paste from your website if you need to. It needs to match exactly, right down to the punctuation.
- Build a Google+ Business Page and get it verified. They are owned by Google, and even if you don’t use it much, get it optimized (or have us help you do that) and play by the “King of Search’s” rules. Extra Tip: If you need help getting your profile created and verified, contact your account managers at IMS. Verification can be tricky, especially if you seem to have racked up multiple Google places accounts over the years.
These tips are excellent for anyone just starting out, but also a great refresher for those who have been doing things for a while. Methods of optimization are always changing - and it's important to stay abreast on these topics!
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