Marketing is both art and science, requiring a broad range of skills from strategic thinking and analysis to accounting, creative writing and graphic design. Rarely do you find a single person endowed with the complete range of skills and talents required to effectively conceive, construct and execute even a single marketing campaign.
This is why we have assembled one of the best teams in the business; from graphic and web designers, SEO and social media specialists, to experts in branding, videography, pay-per-click advertising, personal and referral marketing and strategic analysis.
But none of these talents really matters without the single most important aspect of marketing. It’s never about a beautiful web design or a well-crafted sentence. Nor is it about your legal expertise, your qualifications or even your fees.
Without this secret ingredient your marketing messages are empty and weak.
Powerful marketing is empathetic. It generates from an ability to step into the shoes of your prospective clients and see things from their point of view. What is keeping them awake at night? How does that make them feel? And, to be honest, how do they feel about calling an attorney? Maybe a little anxious, possibly even scared? Do you suppose they might be worried about the cost?
When you place yourself in their shoes, and feel what they are feeling … well, psychologists tell us that empathy is known to increase pro-social (helping) behaviors. In other words, when you put yourself in your clients’ shoes, you naturally want to help them. You naturally start thinking of what you might do or say to comfort them, to make them feel better.
And there – you just did it. That’s your powerful marketing!
It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of telling your own story, convincing people to trust you and hire you. A lot of people market like that, and it seems like they are always screaming and pounding their chests. That’s weak marketing.
Powerful marketing touches the heart with messages that resonate. It begins with empathy.