You’d be surprised at the reactions we get to “whisper messages” from law offices that haven’t used this service before. This is a very soft voice heard only by the person receiving the call. It says simply, “This call is from your website.” It occurs only when a prospect calls your office from a dedicated telephone number that appears on the home page of your website.
From our perspective, hearing that voice is reason for a smile. It’s heard only when a prospective client calls your office to inquire about your services and, if they like what they hear, to make an appointment.
Sometimes we hear from support staff members who were not involved with training. They hear the word “website” on the phone and think that something has gone very wrong. We had one young lady ask how the firm’s website knew to call the office. You can’t make this up.
Sometimes we hear from clients who think that we made a mistake and put the wrong telephone number on their home page. Once we explain how the system works – alerting staffers to the presence of a prospect - they understand and are eager to hear as many whisper messages as possible.
But here’s the bottom line: the whisper message and the dedicated phone number are part of our commitment to measuring your ROI.
We may joke about strange voices on the phone, but we are very serious about measuring and tracking the results generated by our websites, social media campaigns, blog content, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.
It’s very simple: we track, measure and analyze everything we do for our clients. That’s how we know what is working, what’s not, and when it’s time to change things up. A client recently told us that his staff is meticulous about asking every new caller how they found the firm, so he felt that since he knew where his calls are coming from he did not need a call tracking number on his site.
“Just one problem, though,” I said. “You may know where the calls are coming from, but I don’t. Asking me to run your digital marketing program without this information is like asking a pilot to fly without benefit of an altimeter. Sure, you can look out the window and if you don’t see any mountaintops, things are probably okay. But a pilot needs more accurate information to keep the plane in balanced flight.”
So, you are not the only one interested in that call tracking report. It’s vital feedback that we need, too. We use every small detail of feedback to help keep your digital marketing in “balanced flight” with constant small adjustments.
When we say knowledge is power, we really mean it.