Consider these four simple psychological factors presented by MarTech Advisors to move website and social media visitors from digital leads to living, breathing clients.
The power of reason.
Give me a good reason why I should become a client. Show me that I will benefit or gain some kind of advantage by reaching out to your office to make an appointment. Will you be able to provide something to me that will help my family? Tell me what it is and how it will help. - Reciprocity leads to loyalty.
People are more inclined to engage with those who have helped them. By giving me something first, you’ve made me more likely to feel compelled to do something for you. What can you give me on your website? Give me an enjoyable, seamless, heartwarming video that shows me how much you care about what you do. Tell me some information that I didn’t know – and that may be important to me. If you want to give me a whitepaper that I can download and share with my elderly parents, make sure the typeface is easy to read and the design is optimized for home printing. Don’t disappoint me. - Drive action with a sense of urgency.
People are more likely to act when they know that there is a limited window of time to respond. This is a tricky one for law firms. Your most urgent message is for people to do estate planning while they are still well and able to plan. A person who does not have an estate plan who suffers a catastrophic injury leaves their family members in a mess, whether they are dead or alive. As professionals, we don’t like to over dramatize this – but taking a too passive approach isn’t good either. Is there a middle ground that can work for you? - Curiosity drives engagement.
People are curious by nature. When you ask us a question that creates a sense of curiosity, you get our brain cells firing – creating a strong sense of wanting to know. Ask thought-provoking questions to make us want to resolve an issue. Do you know what will happen to your family when you are gone? Did you know that an estate plan can resolve many of these issues? Ask us questions and show us that you can help us find the answers.