We are a “glass-is-half-full” group at IMS, so when we find studies and research that validates our positive approach, it’s rewarding – and refreshing too.
We know that estate planning lawyers spend a fair amount of time listening to their clients’ life stories, and not all of those stories have happy endings. So, when we came across an article on how to become more influential in business that included ways to increase success AND happiness, we were all in!
Today there is an academic field known as positive psychology. Studies show that small shifts in how we communicate to colleagues, family members and friends can have an impact on business outcomes. One study showed 31% higher productivity, 25% higher performance ratings, 35% higher sales and 23% lower levels of stress.
Not convinced? The premise is relatively easy to test. Spend a week practicing happiness, using these tips and see what happens.
1 - Start off conversations, communications and emails with a positive thought.
2 - Think positive – move away from narratives that are centered in negative thinking or negative experiences. Yes, it’s corny but what do you have to lose?
3 - Ask questions that get other people to focus on the positive parts of their reality.
4 - Deal with negative people more effectively using a research based method. Retreat from their negative selves, even if it means taking a time out. Give yourself a moment to regroup, and re-enter the conversation in a positive way.
5 - Consider these Four C’s – Create Social Capital, Give Context, Express Compassion, and Stay Committed.
Want to dig deeper? Read the entire article here.