Everyone has news. Some news is bigger than others, like being on the state bar committee that launches new legislation or being honored by a local not-for-profit for your good works. And there’s always news about seniors, estate planning and the law.
The question is, what are you doing with that news?
It’s not news if you don’t tell anyone. And if you don’t tell anyone, they will not know that you are among the leading elder law attorneys in the state, or that your office has been recognized by a respected organization that conducts thorough peer reviews to rate attorneys.
Your only news should not, by the way, concern your ratings. That’s too limiting and doesn’t reflect everything about you and your estate planning law firm.
There may be other people in your office who have news that is worthwhile sharing. Let’s say your office manager volunteers with a local community chest and is named to its board of directors. That’s good news, and one that you should be eager to share with local media.
Remember, clients connect with us in a variety of ways.
Someone reading your website and learning how your office is involved in the community is going to feel good about that, and it may be the little push they need to make a phone call. When they come into the office, you’ll know that this was a factor because your E2 CRM report will show that they went to your media page and read the article about your office manager and her local involvement. You’ve got a positive community effort to talk about and bond over.
So don’t hide your news – share it with the media around you!