The Call to Action (CTA) for an estate planning law firm is a carefully designed element of your website that can have a big impact on how visitors respond. Too glaring and unprofessional, and you’ll lose them. Too subtle, and they won’t take action. There is an art and a science to incorporating the CTAs, and IMS designers are very good at making this part of your websites a powerhouse.
What works best for an estate planning law firm website? Visitors to your website are already searching for a solution to a problem. In marketing parlance, they have expressed a need. The website’s job is to move them to take the next step: pick up the phone or fill out a form. The CTA keeps them focused and moving through the process.
How often is too often? Users need it to be easy, but not overwhelming. We’ve seen websites where pop-up CTAs show up after being on the website for all of 30 seconds. Not only is that annoying, but it gets in the way of the visitor’s experience of getting more comfortable with the law firm. You’ll want a few on each page—one at the top and one at the bottom are expected—but where they are located in the body of the website will depend on the layout. Some will be graphics—click to call buttons—while others will be content-driven, and a message delivered with kindness: “If you have questions, please call our office to learn how we can help.”
What you say matters, so chose your words carefully. Your IMS team will help with crafting the language that we know works for your target market. Alarmist messages, from “call today or you may permanently lose your rights” are not in our wheelhouse. The focus is on educating your prospect and making them comfortable enough to pick up the phone or fill out a form.
Automatic intake system using CLIPSM moves the conversation from CTA to an engaged “pre-client.” We use that phrase to describe the person who has engaged with your automated intake system and shared personal information. They are not clients, but have moved past the prospect stage.
Remember that the CTA is not limited to your website. It should be a thoughtful part of your social media, any printed materials and your personal conversations. If having a person become a client is the goal, no matter where the initial contact comes from, you’ll need to ask. Remember the saying: “If you don’t ask, you don’t get!"