“If a business is not reinventing itself to changing market conditions then it is highly likely it will go into decline or be taken over by those that are better adapted to the new environment. This statement is no less true for law firms than for any business” -- The Law Society of England and Wales – Future’s Panel
Are you thinking about skipping The Summit this year? Maybe you’re going to another event where you will get a few more CLE credits, or brush up on changes in Medicaid regulations. Or maybe you think like an attorney I spoke with recently who said, “Oh, I get what you guys are saying. It’s all about digital. And you’re right. I know I need to redesign my website.”
Hard. Stop.
The Summit is not about redesigning your website.
The Summit is about reinventing your practice.
Digital marketing is not an isolated disruptive technology. It’s just one piece of a rapidly evolving market landscape – including cultural changes in the way we perceive wealth and wealth distribution, artificial intelligence, and information-on-demand.
If you don’t reinvent your practice, it’s “highly likely it will go into decline or be taken over by those that are better adapted.”
How Do You Re-Invent A Law Firm?
Every successful change is driven by a big vision. Anyone who studies change leadership eventually discovers best-selling author and Harvard professor, Dr. John Kotter – the recognized authority on leadership and change.
According to Kotter, most change efforts fail. And most fail because of lack of vision.
A few months ago, before we made the decision to re-brand our company and move to Colorado Springs, I had a long conversation with my lifelong friend and business partner, Kyle Krull. As we often do, we talked about our shared past and envisioned future.
Then Kyle asked a crucial question: “What do you think is our biggest weakness, the one thing that could hold us back from achieving our goals?”
I answered without hesitation.
“It’s vision. The one thing that will halt our growth is failure to dream big enough.”
I could see the surprise on his face. After all, there I was weaving this great big vision about our brand and our move.
“When I look around at people and companies that are wildly successful, who Break Out, the one difference I see between them and the also-rans is Vision.”
Too often we perceive incremental change as radical. We believe we have changed course, when in fact, we have only re-arranged the deck chairs.
Redesigning your website is not a reinvention.
Your new logo is not a reinvention.
Moving across the street, or even across the country, is not a reinvention.
Rethink everything. Especially your limiting beliefs.
We are so often limited by beliefs we don’t even know we have. These beliefs about how and who we are, about the way the world is and how we are supposed to interact with it. We create these little boxes that prevent us from doing something remarkable.
Legacy Ranch
As you may know, I just bought a ranch in Colorado. It’s a beautiful place, and there were other buyers who wanted it – some of them with a lot more money. The seller was in a quandary. Would she go for a bigger check, or a bigger vision?
Throughout the journey, I nearly lost faith at least a dozen times.
I shared our Vision with the seller, and these are the words that won the day:
We hope to bring attorneys (yes, attorneys) to the property to retreat,
to work with horses, and get back in touch with their true selves …
We want to start changing hearts because a lawyer with a changed heart can change the world.
What Will You Take Away from The Summit?
Will you redesign your website? Maybe. Will you revamp your sales process? Probably. Will you see how a client care program could impact your bottom line? Definitely.
But the most important work you will do at The Summit involves discovering yourself. That’s why it’s a retreat.
Break Away to Break Out.
Stare down anything that holds you back. Trample limiting beliefs. Get in touch with your bigger dream. Find your story and your voice. Then go do something remarkable. Change your world!
Won’t you join us?
Visit The Summit 2017 to learn more and register online.
October 18-20 | Cheyenne Mountain Resort & Legacy Ranch | Colorado Springs