What’s the scariest part of Halloween?
By far, it’s the day after. Not only is everyone walking around with a sugar hangover, but the countdown to the holidays and the end of the year begins in earnest.
Whatever this year has meant for your law firm – whether it’s been a year of wild success and progress, slow but steady growth, or disappointment – for better or for worse, it’s coming to a close. While you definitely want to keep pushing toward your goals, now is a good time to pause and reflect.
Has this year been everything you’d hoped? Have you achieved more than you imagined? Is your vision still clear and is everyone on your team still aligned with that vision?
Anyone who has ever reached a summit knows that the first things you stow in your backpack are your map and compass. Navigational tools are essential if you hope to reach the top – whether you are literally climbing a mountain, or growing your law firm.
And yes, you need both a map and a compass in your law firm, too. The map is your strategic plan – this shows the path (or paths) that lead to your destination. The compass, on the other hand, is your Vision or passion, keeping you aligned with your own True North. You can follow any number of maps, or strategies, to lots of exciting destinations. But how do you know which one is right for you? For that, you’ll need to follow your compass!
Your compass is the intersection of three strategic points: your passion, or what you love to do; your skills, or what you’re good at; and value, or what creates value for you and for others. These three attributes should drive your strategic planning.
A private strategic planning retreat at Legacy Ranch is a great way for you to find your compass and map your strategy for 2018.
If the thought of spending a few days working on your “strategic plan,” sounds like about as much fun as watching paint dry, then you haven’t experienced a planning retreat at the Ranch yet! We start by taking you out of your office, out of your routine, and out of your comfort zone. Legacy Ranch is located just nine miles east of Colorado Springs, on the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, with more than 40 acres of expansive views. From the ranch house you will watch the sun rise each morning in colorful splendor over the plains, and set each evening on the rocky summit of Pikes Peak. Here you are free to pursue creative, fresh ideas. Ask tough questions. Discard tired systems that no longer work. Trample limiting beliefs. The IMS team facilitates your retreat with energy and experience to help define your strategy, discover your story, and achieve the remarkable.
Learn more about strategic planning on our website: https://www.integritymarketingsolutions.com/Strategic-Planning.php
We are currently booked through the end of 2017, but you can still get on the schedule for the first quarter of next year, and make 2018 your break-out year.
Of course, a strategic planning retreat is a big investment. It's time away from your office -- and I know you don't have time for that. No one does. The truth is, there is not a single attorney in practice today who is sitting around with three extra days they don't know how to fill. That is not how someone decides to come to a retreat -- they don't just find a big blank spot on their calendar and think, Hey! Why not fill that up with a strategic planning retreat?
No, it's much more intentional. It will require some thought and some sacrifice. So, it's not for everyone.
But it might be right for you -- just like it was for Frank Campbell of Annapolis, Maryland, who shares his retreat experience in this video:
Strategic Planning Retreat from Integrity Marketing Solutions on Vimeo.