We will be hosting our first planning retreat of 2018 next week, starting on January 3rd. Congratulations to these forward-thinking clients who are starting the new year off right!
What kinds of results can this law firm expect after the retreat? Does it really make any difference in your firm's profitability?
Of course, I can tell you that it does, but I know it's hard to believe me since, well, I am the one offering the retreats! I can tell you some of our observations: Clients who come to retreats and implement the plans made here blow away not only their competition, but all of our other clients, in terms of results and profitability. If you ask me to identify the single biggest difference between outstanding performers and average ones, I will tell you it's the strategic planning retreat.
But Let's Get Real
Here are actual 2017 statistics from one of our clients who uses The Essential Solution® and attended a strategic planning retreat in 2016:
January 1st 2017 - December 14th 2017
- 15,181 - Unique Website Visitors
- 152 – Consultations Requested Online
- 114 – New Clients Generated from Online Consult Requests
- 391 – Website Conversions (Request a consultation, Contact form, Blog Subscription)
- 1,165 – Website Phone Calls
- 682 – Unique First Time Callers
Show Me the Money!
So, how do those types of digital analytics translate into new clients, revenue and profitability?
In total the firm added 254 new clients this year through either a webform or website phone call. With an average fee of $3,500 per case, this translates into nearly $900,000 in revenue directly attributed to digital, online marketing guided by strategic planning. We share these numbers with the client's permission because he believes in the work we do and the impact we have had on his practice.
But don't take my word for it. Watch the short video clip below to eavesdrop on a conversation recorded during The Summit in October -- hear unsolicited client comments about the results they have seen from their digital marketing and strategic planning with Integrity Marketing.
Hear What Our Clients Say from Integrity Marketing Solutions on Vimeo.
The Legacy Ranch Difference
Call James now to learn more about strategic planning at Legacy Ranch. I know other firms offer planning services, but no one else sees the whole picture of your practice needs like your marketing partner, no one else is able to implement and execute your strategy throughout all of your marketing messages, and no one else can offer the unique experience of strategic planning at Legacy Ranch. You'll step out of the ordinary, every-day-grind to a place that supports creative, strategic thinking. You will be able to focus completely on your strategy planning -- everything else is taken care of. You'll be guests at the Ranch, with no charge for lodging or meals. This is an immersive experience designed to help you achieve extraordinary results.
Call now and get 2018 off to a great start! You can reach James by email or by calling toll-free: 1-877-352-2021. We hope to see you soon and look forward to watching your firm do something remarkable next year!